ARLS relies on our vast network of expertise to navigate clients through every step of this
complex process, from completing application forms, submitting motivational write-ups,
to getting the application outcomes timeously.
We assist you with the following applications:
• Pharmacy Licences
• Dispensing Licences
• Yellow Fever Licences
• Section 22A(15) Permits
• Midwife Permits
We update you on each process as it happens. We are familiar with the criteria used by the Department
of Health to approve applications and will be able to assist you in this regard. Our application consultants
are able to review the circumstances that surround your application in order to ascertain your chances of
acquiring the licence or permit. Our expert team assists you in reviewing your service provision goals,
advising you on the best application to submit to the Department of Health, the South African Health
Products Regulatory Authority and the South African Pharmacy Council. Furthermore, we are able to
assist you with the drafting of compliance documents required after you open your practice / pharmacy.